So yesterday I started having abdominal pain on my right side, and it hurt to move around, and walk. So we thought maybe appendicitis, I went to the ER. They did a urine analaysis, blood tests, and a pelvic ultrasound. They said the ultrasound was normal, but my white blood cell count was high, so it was best to get a CT scan. They brought me that gross stuff to drink that would line my intestines and stuff, so I drank that over a course of two hours. I was than taken to CT, and they put some other contrast stuff into my IV. Which made me feel extremely hot, and sick! I did not like the feeling, it was really weird! Than after that I had to wait for them to get the results and read it. They finally got them, and the doctor said they seemed normal! What the hell is wrong than!? They said they have no clue what is going on so I should just wait to see if I get worse, and if I do than to come back immediatly.
I am still watching it, as it could still be appendicitis and it was just too early to tell. I was there for like 10 hours! It sucked big time, and I woke up today at like around 12pm and that was the first time I ate anything since 11am the day before!
Hoping all of this just blows over, and I can just go back to dealing with everything else wrong!
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