Thursday, September 22, 2011


So yesterday I went to my psychologist, and I did mention me feeling depressed, and helpless I guess at times. We talked about how I dont complain because its kinda like no one does anything anyway so why should I? But she also said its good to let it out, but I really just physically can not complain! It drives me crazy because of course I want people to know how I feel and all, but I just can not bring myself to complain about it! 
Like today for insentience, I feel like crap, my legs feel weaker, almost dead like I cant even lift the weight of my own legs! My back is hurting a lot, and I often get this feeling like my neck cant hold my head up and today I have been feeling that. I also have a lot of pressure in my spine, which I have only recently been getting. Tremors have been a little bit worse, a lot of times at night, and when typing of course I get them. 
I have definitely been getting weaker, the other day I could not get the dumb water bottle open I kept trying and it would not budge, so I handed it to my friend and he opened it with no effort at all, and his reply was "Could you seriously not open that?" And yes I could really not get it! I have also been dropping things more often, like I dropped my laptop the other day because I lost my balance, and I drop my phone probably 50 times a day! 
Well I just wanted to give a update and kinda just vent I guess.

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